Saturday, January 18, 2025
Events in India
9th Edition of GrainEx india Exhibition
Exhibitions/Trade Show
  Posted by
Chandan Sareen
Exhibition Center, Halipad Ground, Gandhinagar, Gujarat - India
7th February 2020 - 9th February 2020
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86074 63222
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India's premier technology oriented exhibition & conference on Rice, Pulses, Flour, Wheat, Spices, Peanuts, Onion & Garlic Dehydration & other Grain Milling Industry. There are more than 1900 dal mills in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, approx 500 rice mills in Gujarat, approx 190 onion/ garlic dehydration plants in Gujarat and there are thousands of wheat and spices traders are located in Gujarat & out of which 20% are in to processing and more than 1200 roller flour mills are present in India. For them it will be a great opportunity to expand their businesses and to earn the maximum during the exhibition.