Saturday, February 15, 2025
Events in India
Kathak Classes by Apoorva"Mohini
Dance and Music Concerts , Dance
  Posted by
Lahe Lahe
18th June 2018 - 29th June 2018
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2906/2907, HAL 2nd Stage, 80 feet road, Indiranagar, Kodihalli layout, Bengalore- 560008, Bangalore, India 560 008
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To all the lovely people out there, Antahkarana presents regular classes for people who are enthusiastic about learning Kathak. We would be teaching Kathak from the very basics focusing on tatkaar (foot work) and chakkar(spins) as we slowly progress further in practical and theoretical knowledge. To all those who would love to learn one of the most beautiful classical dance forms of India, Antahkarana warm heartedly welcomes you.