Sunday, May 19, 2024
Events in India
Cuisine of Kings and Queens
  Posted by
Conrad Pune
12th August 2017 - 20th August 2017
  Contact Phone
020 - 67456745
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  Event Address
7, Mangaldas Road, Sangamvadi, Pune, Maharashtra 411001
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Rajasthan is now not far from Pune. Feel the royal vibes, as our Indian Specialty Restaurant - Zeera, preps up to host a thali festival ‘Cuisine of Kings and Queens’. Chef Dharmendra Singh from Jaipur will handcraft intricate and dramatic delicacies that promise bags of exquisite flavors of the state. The chef, hailing from Bharatpur is a well-established enthusiast of Rajasthani Cuisine. Treat yourself to the royal cuisine at Conrad with the rich, exotic and colorful specialties of Rajasthan.